If you are on this page, firstly a thank you is in order for choosing to buy one of our product(s). We are sorry that the product(s) may not have met your requirements and we will work to help resolve the issue as best we can.

To claim a refund or exchange an item, please follow these steps;

  • Download the returns form here
  • Please print, fill out and enclose this with the item you are returning and arrange delivery to the following address;
Pure Clothing
Co. Mayo
F26 H7D7
  • Once the item is received and deemed to be in the same condition as was received by you, we will issue a full refund to the account that was used to make the original order, or exchange the item as requested.
  • For any further queries feel free to contact us at info@pureclothing.ie and we will aim to respond within 24 hours.
  • We recommend the use of registered postage methods as we will not be in a position to offer a refund or exchange on items that we do not receive.

Terms and conditions.

  • Items ordered before Christmas must be returned before January 8. 
  • Orders must be returned in the same condition you received them in.
  • Whilst we do include the original delivery fee in these refunds, we do not include the delivery fee charged for returning the item unless they are faulty.
  • Refunds are only applicable to purchases made on our website.
  • Once approved we will email you with verification that your refund has been issued.
  • Depending on account provider, your refund should be received within 10 working days.
  • Please do not return items in plastic packaging.
    Download Return Form